Dear Friends,
As you all know, our University has announced this morning that it would begin laying off 275 employees and reducing the hours of 40 other employees or limiting them to an academic-year work schedule. Although the total number of layoffs and reductions is relatively modest compared to Harvard’s total workforce—there were approximately 12,950 full-time-equivalent non-faculty staff members as of last October—the symbolic import of a large, stable employer like Harvard resorting to such actions surely looms larger.
But, there is something that all of us can do - support the HKS Dean's Fund. The Dean's Fund is one of the primary sources of financial aid for students. Gifts to the Fund will ease the burden of debt for current students and will encourage the most promising applicants who might think the cost is prohibitive.
The Dean's Fund also supports faculty, academic programs and curriculum, student programs, and community outreach. Given the ideals of meeting important challenges that are instilled in us as HKS graduates, I encourage you to join me in making a donation to the Dean's Fund through the dedicated giving page.
I look forward to your active support.
Thanks in advance for considering a gift to the HKS Dean's Fund,