• The Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, which is in charge of all the inaugural activities at the Capitol, will stream the entire event at its Web site, complete with closed captioning.
• CBS News will have day-long live coverage January 20 on TV and the Web, starting at 7 a.m. EDT.
• MSNBC will be live streaming the event on its home page and politics section, and visitors can embed the video into their own sites.
• Fox News will provide live streaming coverage via Hulu beginning at noon for about two hours.
• C-SPAN will debut its Inauguration Hub on January 20, featuring an online "control room"--a multichannel grid designed by Mogulus with Webcasts of inauguration activities.
• CNN is partnering with Facebook to provide live streaming of the swearing in and Obama's speech. Viewers can "RSVP" for the event on Facebook, and as they watch, they will be able to provide status updates with their thoughts on the events. A Facebook window on the CNN.com Live channel will show viewers their friends' relevant status updates.
• Current TV and Twitter are teaming up, as they did during the election, to add real-time tweets to Current's broadcast and Webcast of the swearing in, which starts at 11:30 a.m. EDT and will be replayed throughout the day.
• The New York Times, the AP's online video network, and the Online NewsHour will also live stream inauguration coverage.