Going through numerous midterms (they are always many :) I found myself to be increasingly unsatisfied... with anything and everything.... Probably, Dr. John Thomas's prophecy about our mood behavior, which he described during the summer program, is becoming true and I should expect my mood to decline even further... until Spring :(
I even recalled Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina": "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.".
Then, for a moment, I looked around just to find myself in the JFK park. This lead me to think about Kennedy, then KSG, then Harvard AND my mood has changed. I realized how HAPPY I must be, how HAPPY we all must be by being students of such a great School and University called Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.
Now, I must say that Leo Tolstoy left his statement incomplete. Complete version must look like All happy families have Harvard graduates; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way :) My message is SMILE! YOU ARE AT HARVARD!