Click here to view a video clipI took your concerns and came up with a platform that I think addresses them effectively. Here are the main points:
1- Actively invite Multinational and Overseas Organizations to recruit KSG students.
2- Introduce Staff Evaluation System to better serve KSG students and recognize staff efforts.
3- Integrate KSG community with such initiatives as Take a Mid-Career Out to Lunch program.
4- Launch our own Harvard Government Review, a la Harvard Business Review.
5- Reduce Printing Costs and increase library reserves for Course Packets.
1- Actively invite Multinational and Overseas Organizations to recruit KSG students.
2- Introduce Staff Evaluation System to better serve KSG students and recognize staff efforts.
3- Integrate KSG community with such initiatives as Take a Mid-Career Out to Lunch program.
4- Launch our own Harvard Government Review, a la Harvard Business Review.
5- Reduce Printing Costs and increase library reserves for Course Packets.